Winter Newsletter + TGIF! Pirate Clan Updates for January 31, 2025
Happy Friday, players!
We want to start off our Winter Newsletter by saying a huge thank you to the almost 5,000 brand new players who have joined in the last few months (and all the players who have been playing since the launch of our game)!
First things first, we want to show our gratitude to all of our players! Here's an Exclusive FREE gift to all of our Pirate Clan players. It’s our way of saying thank you for being a part of the community.
Make sure you logged in, then click on the appropriate links below (for whichever server you play) to receive your free reward:
Kanoplay Server 1
Kanoplay Server 2
An update regarding Blitz/Coin system:
As we step into the New Year, we want to take this opportunity in our Winter Newsletter to address an important topic that has been at the forefront of discussions within our community—the recent changes to the Coin economy and their impact on gameplay. While we always strive to keep our communications positive, we believe it is important to acknowledge where we’ve fallen short and be transparent about our ongoing efforts to improve.
We hear you—loud and clear. Many players remain frustrated with the adjustments we’ve made to the Coin economy, and we fully understand why. Looking back, we waited far too long to acknowledge and address the unintended impact of the amount of Coin that Blitz was injecting into the economy. As a result, this issue compounded itself over the course of Spring and Summer 2024, leading to incomes growing to levels beyond what we had originally intended. This has caused disparities in wealth among players, and we recognize that bridging this gap in a fair way is a complex challenge—one that we are actively working to solve, but that will take time.
For those interested in a more detailed breakdown of how Coin was growing throughout 2024 and the changes we’ve implemented, we encourage you to revisit our previous Blitz/Coin update, which includes a helpful visual representation of these trends: Blitz Coin and December Updates.
One of the most significant concerns we’ve heard from players is that the reduction in Coin has made it more difficult to afford defensive mechanics such as Counter Attacks and Bounty Traps. We want to assure you that we are actively working on introducing changes this quarter to address this challenge and ensure that all players have access to meaningful and strategic defensive options.
Additionally, we recognize that Blitz events have historically been an exciting and engaging part of the game, and we don’t want to lose that. To restore excitement and bring renewed meaning to these events, we are actively exploring new Blitz Modes that we plan to introduce starting this quarter.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our players for continuing to engage with us, providing feedback, and sharing their concerns. Your passion and dedication are what make our games and community so special. We remain committed to improving, learning from our mistakes, and doing better moving forward.
What’s Coming Next!
We’ve introduced a lot in the last several months for all of our players (including the release of brand new features like the Raid Campers tool, which provides Raid Boss owners the ability to boot folks who join their Raid and avoid performing minimum actions.)
We also debuted a brand new Raid Event called Vault Breaker last year (with new mechanics and rewards) and introduced a new type of Leaderboard called the Seasonal Leaderboard where you can compete against other players across many different categories (read more about it here)
We just wrapped up our first official Season of the new Leaderboard - so we wanted to congratulate those who landed the top 3 spots for Battle Kills (see below)
(Server 1)

(Server 2)


A brand new season has kicked off (as of this past Wednesday) and you can now view winners from previous seasons - so dig in and compete to climb the Leaderboards and push your competition to the bottom!
We’ve got lots more coming soon for our players, like an update to our Prestige Shop (coming in February) - and new updates to our Armada Quests (providing Armada Leaders with the ability to set contribution limits & also giving players the ability to see everyone’s contributions) plus an upcoming rework / improvement to our Armada Wars event & rewards.
Now let's jump into the TGIF (and see what’s happening this week)!
In-Game Updates:

Starting off we’ve got the launch of the brand new Battle Pass season! Available right now in-game, check out the Free and Premium reward tracks for all the great stuff you can unlock. Remember you only have until February 26th until it’s gone forever.

The Armada Wars event begins today! Pirate Clan players can dive in starting at 4PM (PST). Rally your team and make sure you’re all enrolled before it kicks off. Battle hard for the best rewards and good luck!

Freshly forged and mega powerful are the latest Ice Crates! There are brand new Legendary items to obtain that are available now. Remember that the 3 x Master Crates pack comes with a guaranteed Legendary item drop. Good luck!
Lastly, a reminder that twice a week there are new item drops in-game. Limited Time items on Tuesdays and Limited Quantity on Fridays. Keep an eye out for anything that catches your interest!
Tip of the Week: A reminder that even if you don’t unlock the Premium Pass to still check out the Battle Pass page regularly and collect all the Free rewards you unlock over the season before they expire!
Coming soon!
- Armada Quests Event - Thursday February 6th @ 9AM PST
- Prestige Location Release - Wednesday February 12th
- Armada Wars Event - Friday February 14th @ 10 AM PST
General Updates:

Players! Join us next Tuesday February 4th @ 12PM PST for our monthly Livestream!
Hosted by Matthew and Ben. We’ll be talking about the Raid Bounty event, Seasonal Leaderboards and the Winter Newsletter. On top of that every viewer will also be walking away with a special Valentine’s giveaway PLUS as always the Kano Lootcase!
You won’t want to miss it, so we’ll see you there -

For our Discord community, each Friday you can join Matthew and the Player Success team for the Discord Stream! On Fridays at 12PM PST you can join us live in our growing Kano Community Discord. Hang out and find out what’s happening next in our games, and who knows, you may just win yourself a prize of bonus FP or an exclusive item!
You can ask us questions about the game and let us know what you’d like to see in the future - Check out the Discord here:
We recently released a new method for players to acquire Favor Points through a system called Rev U. By completing tasks such as making progress in a game or by filling out a survey, players can start earning extra FP for their account! You can access it from the Godfather page and our FAQ post here has all the details you’ll need -
For our Mobile App players, we now have a new option for purchasing Favor Points, the Xsolla Webstore! Not only does it support more payment methods than what was previously available, but you’ll also have access to exclusive larger bundles of FP! You can find more info in our FAQ post along with the link -

A reminder to our players about completing the Kano ID account upgrade. Eligible players (Facebook/Server 1 players) will see the banner on their homepage in-game near the top and it should only take a couple minutes. There are wonderful benefits to doing so:
- 25 FP bonus for signing up
- Secure your account (protection against potential loss of your Facebook or Mobile credentials)
- Switch between devices or logging onto other Kano hosted sites
- Specials offers on Kanoplay
You can read more details here in our FAQ -
# of Accounts Penalized/Suspended:
Lame Joke of the Week:
Have you heard about the Disney virus?
It makes everything on your computer go Goofy!