Looking to play a game similar to Crime Inc?

Fight your way up the ranks of mobsters against millions of players!

What happened to Crime Inc?

Crime Inc banner

(Image Credit: browsermmorpg.com)

"Anything can be achieved with enough money in your pockets, and the right bodies in the morgue. You don't play Crime Inc... you live it."

Does this sound familiar?

Crime Inc. was a social mafia game that was created in 2011 by Uken Games. Uken Games is an independent game developer based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Crime Inc official poster

(Image Credit: Mobile Games Box)

Why did Crime Inc shut down?

The company decided to pull the plug in the early 2010s and shut down Crime Inc.

Can you still play Crime Inc?

No, you can't play Crime Inc right now. However, if you are looking for a similar game to Crime Inc, you should check out Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra.