Raid Boss Leaderboard Personal Stats Update

During this week's NEW LCN Raid Boss, the Raid Leaderboard will be replaced with a new Leaderboard that shows your personal stats for the current Raid. This will help you keep track of your latest contribution towards the Attack, Heal and Open Raid achievements.

As for the Raid Leaderboard placement achievements, those will continue to be tracked on the backend so if you have made any progress towards those achievements during the event, you will be able to collect the medals used to increment progress after the Raid is over like normal. Pirate Clan, you can still collect your medals for the achievements.

For this past week's Zombie Slayer Raid, due to a change we made in our original plan to retire the Raid Leaderboard and the achievements, there will be no medals to collect from this past Raid event. The medals will return next event for collection.

Apologies for the confusion from last week's TGIF about this change, but after receiving feedback we decided to make a pivot with how we were handling this rollout and by that point the Raid Boss was already too far along for ZS. Rest assured that these medals and the Raid Leaderboard achievements will be earnable during February's Raid Boss.